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What happens during my dogs first appointment?
We will have a good chat to your over the phone first and gain Veterinary consent from your Vet prior to our first visit.
Booking and appointments: Products
Initial Assessment
This can take place at your home or at our base at Yorkshire Canine Therapy Centre.
We will talk through your vets notes and take a detailed history of your dog and how they cope with everyday tasks. We want your dog to be happy to see us so will take things at their pace.
We assess their movement, range of motion through joints and any compensatory issues they may have.
We have a really good feel joints and muscles to gain a better understanding of where any issues are and how best to treat them.
A thorough lameness evaluation is also undertaken.
Based on our findings we will discuss a treatment plan with you and begin this during your dogs first session.
This could include manual work such as massage, electrotherapies, and remedial exercise prescription. The aim of treatment is to reduce pain and improve your dogs mobility.
*If we recommend hydrotherapy, we will refer you to our award winning centre.
Remedial Exercise Prescription and Advice
At the end of the session we may give you some exercises or activities to complete at home between sessions. Don't worry - we will demonstrate how to do these and make sure both you and your dog are happy to do them.
We will also give you some hints and tips for managing your dogs condition and may also refer your dog for hydrotherapy treatment.
We will always be at the end of a phone for help and advice between sessions.
Price List
Initial Assessment and Treatment
Block Booking 10 Sessions
Small animals (Cats, Rabbits etc)
Stance Analyser Report
Booking and appointments: List
To Book an appointment, Contact us:
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Mobile: 07793 885 392
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